
I had the best affogato last spring on a lovely restaurant patio with my sister and Jasser. Biera is one of our favourite haunts when we are in Edmonton. Their dedication to sourcing local and fresh is only surpassed by their creative culinary adventures that grace their exciting and ever changing menu.


1 scoop of vanilla ice cream, click here for Jasser’s ultimate vanilla ice cream recipe

1 shot of freshly brewed espresso

1 super chilled glass


  1. Remove the super chilled glass that you had the forethought to place in freezer at least 30 minutes before this craving hit from the freezer.

  2. Add one (or more, who’s counting) scoop of the ultimate vanilla ice cream (that you made two days ago and have been wondering how you shall finish it) to your super chilled glass.

  3. Pour your freshly brewed shot of espresso (that you brewed before taking super chilled glass from freezer) over the two scoops (ok we are counting) of ice cream in your super chilled glass.