Herb Sugars - elegance made simple

Herb sugars can be used in a variety of ways. From sweetening your tea and coffee to sprinkling on top of meringues for a whisper of other-worldly decadence. A light dusting of rose-scented sugar over fresh cream cheese on a morning bagel will transport you to an English cottage garden at high tea time.

The General Rule of Thumb Proportions:

1/4 cup leaves, edible flower petals, or herbs

2 cups sugar

Zest of one citrus fruit of choice (make sure they are organic when using the zest).


  1. Gently muddle the herbs with a mortar and pestle to bring out their aromatic oils.

  2. Mix them into the sugar and zest.

  3. Place into airtight containers and shake them every day or so. Ensure there are no clumps.

  4. At the two week mark, sift out the herbs and return the sugar to airtight jar. Discard the herbs.

Rose scented sugar sprinkled over Stolen Harvest Apple-Honey cake takes it to a whole new level of decadence.

Rose scented sugar sprinkled over Stolen Harvest Apple-Honey cake takes it to a whole new level of decadence.

Kristeva Dowling