Sourdough French Pear Bread

3/4 Cup mashed canned pears

1/4 cup pear juice from can

1 tablespoon raw honey

1 farm fresh egg

2 cups organic white flour

1 cup organic whole wheat flour (I use Gold Forest Grains Park Wheat Flour)

1 tsp Himalaya Pink Salt

1/4 tsp fresh cracked black pepper

1/8 tsp fresh ground allspice

90 grams sourdough starter

Place all ingredients in a bread maker on the dough cycle. Once the two hour cycle is over, place a ziplock bag over the container and place it in the fridge overnight.

The next day, take the dough out of the container, punch down, shape and place in Fermentation Station if you have one. If not, place in your oven covered with the light on until sufficiently risen.

To test if it is ready for baking press finger into the dough. If it springs back quickly then it is not yet ready for baking. If your finger indent remains or does not spring back then it is ready. Turn oven on to 350 F. Bake for 30 mins or until golden brown on top and makes a hollow sound when tapped.

Enjoy fresh with butter. This also makes fabulous French Toast if it is a couple days old—It doesn’t typically last that long!