Ricotta Affogato


Ricotta cheese (a scoop or two)

Espresso (1 shot per bowl)

Brown sugar (al gusto, be decadent. No one is watching)


  1. Brew a fresh espresso.

  2. Add one (or more, who’s counting) scoop of your home made ricotta cheese (that you made two days ago and have been wondering how you shall finish it) to a favourite bowl.

  3. Pour your freshly brewed shot of espresso (that you brewed before the craving hit) over the two scoops (ok we are counting) of your delicate ricotta (that you made with love or for therapeutic purposes).

  4. Sprinkle your favourite brown sugar over the top. Our favourite is Demerara. But you can use any you like. Coconut sugar also works very well with this.

Kristeva Dowling